About Us
The Tri-State Toe Picks Figure Skating Club (TSTP) is a non-profit, community organization that provides on and off ice experiences, encouraging the participation of all ages toward achievements in ice skating sports, and fosters the development of life skills.
Learn to Skate USA basic skills program.
Classes for edge, power, jumps, synchro, hockey, and more.
Member contracted ice time.
Competitive High School team.
Ice Shows, exhibitions, and competitions.

Our Coaches
All of our coaches are certified compliant to teach within our program through US Figure Skating.
Katie Bergman
Andrea Christopherson
Maggie Panetta
Abby Peschges
Nicole Dooley
Cathy Richardson
Raynee Schuster
Katie Wales

Leadership Team
Board of Directors
Abby Peschges
Vice President
Joanna Salis
Heather Kujak-Coon
Kym Culp
Board Member
Christina Kiani
Board Member
Katie Bergman
Committee Chairs
Competition Chair
Kym Culp
Membership Chair
Nicole Dooley
Public Relations Chair
Katie Wales
Safe Sport Complience
Heather Kujak-Coon
Test Chair
Katie Wales